

We asked members what brought them to the 2023 Workshop and Law Institute

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What brought you to the 2023 Workshop and Law Institute? What information or resources will you be taking back home with you?

Tracey Jackson, DC Department of Motor Vehicles

I’m excited to be here! I’m actually a new employee with the [DC] DMV, so I’m gaining a wealth of information, all kinds of different concepts, and it really helps with the foundation of learning my new job. It’s a great opportunity to network and find out what you don’t know, and to really get information that you can take back to your jurisdiction.

Denise Ohnesorgen, Arizona Department of Transportation

I knew what AAMVA is, of course, but I didn’t know what this experience was going to be like in terms of networking. Lots of different perspectives and exchanging information for future things. I could always talk to someone in my own [jurisdiction], but then when you talk to [other jurisdictions] about their pitfalls, successes and challenges, then it gives me a different perspective to try in my own area.

Keith Jeffers, Tennessee Department of Revenue

AAMVA does a lot, and being a part of the [Vehicle] Standing Committee—I’ve learned a lot over the years doing it. I think I’ve learned more doing that than I would have even been able to learn if I wasn’t a part of the AAMVA community. One of the biggest takebacks from any AAMVA event is the networking. Once you get to know people, get their contact information, it makes your job easier at home because if you need to reach out to another state for anything, having that network is a great tool.

Angel Robinson, Iowa Department of Transportation

It is one of the best AAMVA conferences covering a wide range of topics that are not just trending, but are also going to be practical to our everyday production at the [Iowa] DOT.

One of the items I appreciate most from this conference, in regards to resources, is finding out where states are and getting that snapshot on where they are on particular projects or innovations that we are also looking into in our state.

Ken Mehall, Motor Vehicle Network

What brings me to workshop is the opportunity to interact with so many of our jurisdictional colleagues, and the opportunity to get some new ideas and thoughts about new directions, activities, opportunities and ideas that are being implemented across the country. It is so delightful to be back and the opportunity to interact with people at a face-to-face level is fantastic.

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