Synergy and Ingenuity

Synergy and Ingenuity

Building networks takes time and practice, but they are forces of good

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Really. Take time to listen to MOVE Magazine’s recent feature, an audio version of the featured topic. In our last issue, MOVE offered listeners an audio version of Drivers of Success. The author, Brad Causey, did a great job interviewing his subjects. So, listen up! Like me, you’ll be enriched by the amazing leadership tips provided. No matter where you are in your career, you’ll find wisdom and timeless insights to help you in your personal and professional life.

The article also highlights the importance of networking. Today’s column shifts from the essence of individual networks to the essentiality of networks we create with other organizations. Interagency, public-private, multi-disciplinary, inter-jurisdictional—whatever you call the relationship, it’s through the networks we weave that we leverage each other’s ideas, strengths and help. When we collaborate with other organizations and develop stakeholder partnerships, we do our best work for members.

Collaborate: two or more people working together to create or achieve the same thing (Cambridge Dictionary) as in, our collaboration produced a better result than any of us could have achieved alone (Merriam-Webster).

The synergy among government agencies, non-profits, and businesses may be issue-specific, like disaster recovery. The speed and ingenuity jurisdictions and their first responders use to save people and property at times of disaster is breathtaking. The success of their response is built on meetings, exercises and drills that strengthen the networks they rely upon to respond quickly. Building networks takes work and practice.

Human trafficking is a global tragedy with evidence that it’s conducted right here in our communities. You’ll read in MOVE’s feature article how the leaders in combating this devastating practice have built networks of public agencies, private companies and national associations to educate employees on how to detect if trafficking is taking place. These networks are also resources to help an individual patch his or her life back together after their identity and self-worth are destroyed. Networks are forces of good.

There are hundreds of thousands of not-for-profit associations across North America and many with interests that intersect with the broader AAMVA community. We find leadership for highway safety funding and strength to oppose unfunded mandates through work with the National Governor’s Association. When it comes to automated driver-assist systems, driverless vehicles and safety counter-measures, we are regularly in touch with the American Association of State Highway Administrators and the Governors Highway Safety Association to host roundtables and exchange ideas and information.

AAMVA’s “sister” organizations, CCMTA, IRP, CVSA and the Industry Advisory Board, regularly brief AAMVA’s Board of Directors to discuss initiatives that support jurisdictions’ interests and the broader community’s focus on “Safe drivers, Safe vehicles, Secure identities.” Networks help save lives.

There are many strategic partners AAMVA depends upon to serve our members. We’d be hard pressed to fulfill our mission without them. Let me know if you know of an organization AAMVA should be working with. I’m ready to listen…really.

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