Supporting Road Safety: Tips to Implement S2S DHR in Your Agency

Supporting Road Safety: Tips to Implement S2S DHR in Your Agency

S2S DHR gives states a seamless, electronic means of exchanging driver histories and other important information. Get a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to successfully launch the program in your agency.

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By Frank Dean

Over the years, it’s been exciting to watch AAMVA launch new initiatives to support road safety and interstate collaboration. I’ve been particularly interested in watching the State-to-State (S2S) Verification Service Driver History Record (DHR) program grow.

At its core, S2S DHR supports “one driver, one record” by giving states a seamless, electronic means of exchanging driver histories, suspensions, convictions, and other important information. For example, if someone’s license is suspended for reckless driving, the system is automatically updated. If that person moves across the country, the new state’s agency is already aware of that person’s license status. This is a huge improvement over the previous manual process, wherein processing delays and loss of paperwork could allow high-risk non-commercial drivers to continue driving.

However, states only receive real-time electronic updates on non-commercial drivers when they’re participating in S2S DHR. At the time of writing this article, 16 states were live with S2S DHR, including Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Dakota, and Tennessee. Several other states are working on joining and expanding data sharing to non-commercial drivers, which is fantastic—the more states that join, the safer our roads are.

My colleagues at FAST have helped eight states successfully implement the S2S DHR functionality in a timely manner. Several of these states were included as part of full system modernizations. These experiences have given me a “behind-the-scenes” perspective into what works—and what doesn’t. Here’s what I’ve learned:

There’s huge potential for time and cost savings. The shift from paper to digital gives states the information they need faster, but it also means that your agency is spending less on paperwork, printing, and postage. Real-time data sharing also helps cut back on unnecessary phone calls and emails to check on a driver’s record.

A modern system makes everything easier and faster. While legacy systems may serve short-term needs, they struggle to incorporate new programs like S2S DHR—or to adapt as program requirements evolve. A sophisticated system takes the heavy lifting out of development and maintenance while giving you the flexibility and speed needed to maximize the power of S2S DHR.

Knowledge is power. Shifts in the workforce have left many agencies without subject-matter experts on this topic, which poses challenges throughout implementation. A partner familiar with S2S DHR can leverage past experiences to prepare and guide your team through the process while avoiding common pitfalls.

Build a support network. For initiatives like S2S DHR, there’s strength in numbers. You can learn a lot from other agencies that have followed the same technical roadmap to implement this essential program. If you’re facing obstacles, chances are that other agencies have already overcome them.

If your agency is still exploring the best way to implement S2S DHR, you’re not alone. We’re here to support you on your journey to promote road safety. Email me at or visit to get started.

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